Kitex Release v0.12.0


精简产物建议 - 去 Apache Thrift

强烈建议去 Apache Codec,解决 Apache 不兼容变更带来的编译体验问题,并能减少 50% 产物体积。 请使用 Kitex 的 Thrift Codec:FastCodec 或 Frugal,不会依赖 Apache Thrift Codec。 后续版本计划:Kitex 会默认去除 Apache 产物,用户指南见 Kitex 去 Apache Thrift 用户手册

New Features

  1. Thrift Streaming over TTHeader - 自定义流式协议 支持了基于 TTheader 协议的流式调用,优化因 gRPC streaming 协议复杂度过高而引入的稳定性问题; 提供了新的流式接口 StreamX,解决原流式接口各类使用体验问题,并提供流式接口的最佳实践; 用户文档:StreamX 用户文档与最佳实践

  2. gRPC Streaming 支持优雅退出: 支持了优雅退出功能,用于解决因为服务升级/更新而导致的上游报错问题。 用户文档:gRPC Streaming 优雅退出

  3. JSON 泛化调用支持 gRPC Streaming :: JSON 泛化调用支持 gRPC Streaming 流式接口(仅限 client),经过 v0.10.0 试用,正式发布。 用户文档:User Guide to Generic Call for Streaming


  1. gRPC Streaming 日志优化:

    • 对于流式串联场景,若下游 Stream 出错是由于上游 Stream 退出,将会在错误中包含"[triggered by {serviceName}]“后缀,方便定位问题。
    • Send 返回的 the stream is done 错误将变成导致流被关闭的真正错误。
  2. 代码生成工具 Kitex Tool:

    • 生成速度和工具安装优化:无需再安装或升级 Thriftgo ,内置到 Kitex,在 IDL 特别庞大的场景,生成速度有较大提升。
    • 最小化产物体积:产物体积最小化可以使用 Frugal,如果希望灰度开启,支持指定结构体使用 Frugal 序列化。详见 代码生成工具关于 -frugal-struct、-gen-frugal 参数的说明


Kitex 会保证内部用户正常使用方式的兼容性。但个别用户可能对 Kitex 仓库的定义有依赖,Kitex 本次版本调整对这部分用户有影响。

    • 删除 thrift.NewBinaryProtocol thrift.NewBinaryProtocol是 Kitex 对 Apache thrift.TProtocol 接口的实现,因为 trans 部分直接使用 Kitex 的 ByteBuffer,相比 apache thrift.TBinaryProtocol 性能更好。在 v0.11.0 已经加了弃用注释。 删除原因: 因为要去除 Apache Thrift 依赖,所以需要删除该实现。 用户修改说明: 该实现本就是配套 Apache Codec 使用,如果你还需要依赖 Apache Codec,请直接使用 Apache 的TBinaryProtocol。如果觉得对性能有影响,可以把 Kitex 旧版本实现 fork 下来,参考 github/cloudwego/kitex v0.10.0。
      import ""
      tProt := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocol(thrift.NewTMemoryBufferLen(1024), true, true)
  • 删除 generic.ServiceInfo 泛化部分删除 generic.ServiceInfo API。 删除原因: 因为多 Service 的支持需要对泛化部分定义做重构。 用户修改说明: 新 API 用generic.ServiceInfoWithGeneric替代。
     import ""
     // removed
     func ServiceInfo(pcType serviceinfo.PayloadCodec) *serviceinfo.ServiceInfo
     // please use this instead
     func ServiceInfoWithGeneric(g Generic) *serviceinfo.ServiceInfo

Full Release Log


[#1541][#1633] feat(ttstream): support ttheader streaming and streamv2 interface

[#1623] feat(gRPC): optimize gRPC error prompt and metrics, assisting in troubleshooting problems

[#1556] feat(gRPC): support gRPC graceful shutdown

[#1467][#1627][#1619] feat(generic): support thrift streaming(over gRPC) for json generic client

[#1607] feat(tool): kitex tool support gen frugal codec for certain struct

[#1526] feat(generic): support an option to remove go.tag annotation

[#1536] feat(generic): support an option to set IDL ParseMode for each client

[#1510] feat: register service with service level middleware


[#1635] optimize: add two function for binary protocol to get bufiox reader and writer

[#1630] optimize(tool): implement no recursive generate to support incremental update

[#1617] optimize(retry): optimize UpdatePolicy and add test cases to check invalid retry policy. <v0.11.0, if the FailurePolicy is nil and type is 0 or >1, will trigger nil panic. The bug has been fixed in v0.11.0, this pr is to add test cases and optimize UpdatePolicy to ignore the nil panic

[#1606] optimize(tool): use embedded thriftgo as default option

[#1595] optimize(tool): optimize pb tool code

[#1599] optimize(tool): call FastWriteNocopy in FastWrite to avoid misuse by users


[#1615] refactor: get rid of apache thrift in go.mod

[#1611][#1614] refactor: move ttheader codec logic to gopkg

[#1553] refactor(codec/thrift): unified typecodec implementation and adjust new file layout


[#1581][#1628] perf(timeout): refactor new rpctimeout implementation to improve performance

[#1564][#1567] perf: reduce object allocation for circuitbreak middleware and retry context

[#1557] perf(rpcinfo): remove lock for rpcinfo.RPCStats


[#1622] fix(generic): use jsoniter instead of sonic for json generic-call, since sonic doesn’t support map[interface{}]interface{}

[#1562] fix: deep copy function of the generated code cannot copy the empty string

[#1602] fix(gRPC): check if the type assertion succeed in ProtocolMatch to avoid panic

[#1598] fix(retry): fix issue that mixed retry cannot update its config correctly

[#1590][#1572] fix(generic): set default values for optional fields of primitive types with generic with dynamicgo

[#1580] fix(netpoll): fix timeout caused by partial use of the Read method of remote.ByteBuffer

[#1574] fix(trace): stream event handler ignore io.EOF event

[#1563] fix(generic): fix the issue where the generic client sets the parse mode of CombineServices and then requests causes “unknown service” error

[#1568] fix(wpool): fix the issue of wpool object allocation, and incorrect ctx causing profiler errors.

[#1558][#1555] fix(bthrift): fix the issue of no recursion conversion of unknown field type under bthrift


[#1593][#1560][#1561][#1559] chore(test): fix data race issue, unstable issue and long time running issue of some test cases

[#1634][#1632][#1573] chore(dep): upgrade frugal, localsession and other cloudwego dependency versions

[#1616] chore(generic): remove deprecated apis/interfaces/variables